It’s a funny thing about the church He is building….it points to Him alone. It contains nothing of man. Of course, men will be quick to tell you that the church Jesus is building is being built by them. But there is sometimes a problem with that statement. The genuine evidence of the centrality of Jesus is very difficult to find among them. The counterfeit, anti-Christ system is easy to spot from this perspective. The church that the ‘system’ is building points to anything BUT Jesus. For they need to build the vision and the kingdom of the one who really runs the show, which, of course, is them. In fact, if the church system pointed to the Lord, it would be in big trouble. Two kingdoms cannot be build on the same spot, in the same hearts, at the same time. One will have to relinquish control to the other. When the Lord is allowed to flow among the people, He will build His own Kingdom, obviously in sharp contract to the man-centered kingdoms of the religious. The Church that the Lord Jesus is building is truly a habitation for Himself within each one of us where He can dwell, rule and reign. In His church, He is forming a body through which the world shall see His glory oozing through the likes of ‘average folk’ like you and I. His church will display a marvelous Kingdom of righteousness, truth, mercy and compassion. Its nature will be love and its function will be to gather the nations to HIM, not to themselves. But the fleshy personality of mere humanity will never be confused with the outward shenanigans meant to distract you from the desperate hunger of your heart. Only He can satisfy the hungry soul. Only He can nourish and fulfill the cravings of your spirit. For all the guilt that the ‘system’ is able to pour on, it can never overwhelm the craving of your soul. That is why you are so dangerous to them. You have a fire within that will not be extinguished by programs and pop culture messages. For those who hunger and thirst for Him, the glitter and glitz of fleshy showmanship will most certainly be replaced by the hiddeness of Christ who shows Himself, rather proves Himself in the daily activities of human existence. His Presence consumes, possesses, forgives and gathers. He heals, restores, releases and fills us with joy unspeakable and full of glory. The church system observes, calculates and determines who will be most effective to their end goal. They always gear their mission and their message to the best, the brightest, and the most powerful. They are certain to attract those who have been made such by the world, assuming that these special people will provide the financial and emotional stability. These people will also provide the distinguished notoriety the local assembly will need to maintain stature and respect among the elite. But little do they see that He is the one who turns the least of us into the best, the brightest, and the most powerful. Those who are the least in the natural are the ones made greatest in the Kingdom of God. For when the Lord makes a leader, they lead with compassion, mercy and love. They are the ones who are the true pillars of the Church that Jesus is building. True ministry folk are happy to build His church without personal recognition or accolades. They need neither title or position. The true ministry is ministry born of His heart and points the people to Jesus, who alone can build a dwelling place for His Presence within them. They are never the center of attention, never the focus, never the goal. These leaders are gentle folk, broken men and women who point incessantly to Jesus. They know their role and they know His role. They are painfully aware of their own limitations and they know better than to try to do the job of the Son of God. Therefore, their passion is to bring the people of God into a place where they can be connected to their Lord. They understand that their role is to create an atmosphere where mankind and his God can find true union. These leaders know what to do once that connection is made. Neither God or His people need instruction at the point of this union that is both electric and Divine, both natural and spiritual.
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