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Friday, July 30, 2010

God Out of the Box

 I am here to talk to you about what I believe is a very important topic on the heart of the Father. We hear all over the world about how the Holy Spirit is moving anew and afresh. But we also hear all over the world how there is opposition to this. It is important that we understand the difference between what God wants to do and what man wants to do.  God will do what He wants to do without our permission. He does not need to ask our opinion. He only asks our cooperation. This trip to Italy was a very important and wonderful trip. We had a great time in Bologna and Pescara. In fact the very last night of the meeting, I think the pastor said, “I think the Toronto Blessing has come to Bologna. But I said, “No, this is the Bologna Blessing.”

And then in Sicily at Messina and Agrigento we had a wonderful time. It is important that I talk about these cities because the pastors in these churches that are in these cities are the gatekeepers of the Spirit. They are the gatekeepers that determine what gets into their church and what gets into the city. If the pastors see something they do not like, it does not get in. But if the pastor sees something that is of the Lord, then the blessing of God falls. But when something unusual happens it is important that the people have a discerning spirit to know what is from the Lord. The church that will change the world in these last days is the church that will be able to hear from the Lord themselves. We alone carry the responsibility for the Word of the Lord to our hearts. We must have a spirit that can touch the Spirit of God. We must have a spirit that can discern what is happening in the realm of the Spirit. So that as God moves we can agree and say yes this is something that God is doing. The months and the years ahead are going to be extremely challenging. We are going to need God’s Presence and Power more than we have ever needed it before. The level of power we have had in the past will not withstand the onslaught the enemy will bring us. But God’s Power is not the problem He will send as much Power that we need to overcome the enemy. The problem is never God’s Power; the problem is our ability to let God to show Himself in new ways. The problem is our ability to say yes to the Lord even when it goes against the traditions we have experienced. We spend too much of our time being controlled by carnal angry men who have never experienced the Presence of God. They come and talk to us and say things to us and we say to ourselves, “We don’t know, this must be true.” We are like people that are tossed in the waves of an angry sea. We do not know where we are going. We do not know where we came from and we do not know what is stirring the sea. But God is looking for a people in this generation who will not allow themselves to be persuaded only by the words of man. But rather to be persuaded by the spirit of discernment in their heart.

Posted via email from donnorisr's posterous

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Discernment of the Spirit

Eccl. 11: 4 He who watches the wind will not sow and he who looks at the clouds will not reap.

 We love externals. We love to be told what to do when to do it. That is why the Old Covenant is so enticing. But in Christ, everything is not as it appears. Everything is backwards.

 To win you must be last;

to be rich you must give everything away;

to be seen of God you must hide from men.

To be promoted you must promote others.

To gain favor you must cease your labors.

To be strong to must be weak.

To live, you must die.

To lead you must serve

Christ in you, is the hope of Glory—whose glory? And what really is Glory?

 Whose hope? The one who needs the Lord that you run into everyday.

 GLORY- anything in you that convinces someone that Jesus is Lord.

 Sol. Temple-when the glory spilled out of the Most Holy Place, even the priests fell on their faces so that no one could minister. This is a type and a shadow of what flows out of our hearts that causes others to cease from their fruitless labors to please God and simply accept the free gift offered by Jesus Himself.

 No one could minister-the flesh could not do its thing. REMEMBER the Holy Place is the flesh’s last stand. It is the flesh’s last attempt to shine. To show that it is good. But in the Presence of God, it can only fall at the Feet of the King.

 But there will be priests of the Presence that will be able to minister in the Presence. They will be able to co-labor with Him. They will have no fear.

 Ps. 65:9 “The stream of God is full of water.”

Ps.59:19 So they will fear the name of the LORD from the west And His glory from the rising of the sun, For He will come like a rushing stream, Which the wind of the LORD drives. 20 "And a Redeemer will come to Zion, And to those who turn from transgression in Jacob," declares the LORD. 21 "And as for Me, this is My covenant with them," says the LORD: "My Spirit which is upon you, and My words which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your offspring, nor from the mouth of your offspring's offspring," says the LORD, "from now and forever."

Is. 66: 10 "Be joyful with Jerusalem and rejoice for her, all you who love her; Be exceedingly glad with her, all you who mourn over her, 11 That you may nurse and be satisfied with her comforting breasts, That you may suck and be delighted with her bountiful bosom." 12 For thus says the LORD, "Behold, I extend peace to her like a river, And the glory of the nations like an overflowing stream; And you shall be nursed, you shall be carried on the hip and fondled on the knees. 13 "As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you; And you shall be comforted in Jerusalem." 14 Then you shall see this, and your heart shall be glad, And your bones shall flourish like the new grass; And the hand of the LORD shall be made known to His servants, But He shall be indignant toward His enemies.

 Jer 17:7 "Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD And whose trust is the LORD. 8 "For he will be like a tree planted by the water, That extends its roots by a stream And will not fear when the heat comes; But its leaves will be green, And it will not be anxious in a year of drought Nor cease to yield fruit.


Hos.6:1 "Come, let us return to the LORD. For He has torn us, but He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bandage us. 2 "He will revive us after two days; He will raise us up on the third day That we may live before Him. 3 "So let us know, let us press on to know the LORD. His going forth is as certain as the dawn; And He will come to us like the rain, Like the spring rain watering the earth."

 Joel 2: 23 So rejoice, O sons of Zion, And be glad in the LORD your God; For He has given you the early rain for your vindication. And He has poured down for you the rain, The early and latter rain as before. 24 And the threshing floors will be full of grain, And the vats will overflow with the new wine and oil.


Posted via email from donnorisr's posterous

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Jesus‘ purpose for coming to earth

The purpose of Jesus' coming to the earth was to bring Heaven's experience to earth. The wholeness and health of Heaven was to come to you. The rule of God, the Lordship of Jesus Christ in Heaven was intended to be an experience, not just in Heaven after death, but of life right here on earth.

That is why, when the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, He taught them to say, "Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven." As God's will was always being performed in Heaven, His plan was, and still is, for His will to be fulfilled in your heart. Union and wholeness are available in the Person of God Himself in this life. In fact, they are not only available, they are God's intention for humanity.

 Jesus did not come just so you could go to Heaven. He did not come only to offer a future hope. Jesus did not even come merely to answer meager prayers for help and safety. He came so that you might experience the fulness of God, all Heaven has to offer. His Kingdom is to be established in the earth...starting within you.

Posted via email from donnorisr's posterous

Friday, July 9, 2010

The church Jesus is building builds the people, who are the church. Her pastors are the tools to bring this about. (cont.)

A school is a perfect picture of the role of the local church pastor. His goal, his fulfillment, his joy should be in the training and release of the people God gave him. Some will then leave, some will stay to work through the church. But they will all be equipped and released into their purpose. For some, their purpose will be to work in the church in the preparation and release of those whose destiny will take them far away. In any case, the people will know their role and feel a great sense of satisfaction and fulfillment in that they are doing what God has them to do.

  This not to say that local pastors cannot have an international ministry, but when the local church is merely a financial crutch and personal work force that sustains the personal ministry of the pastor, these saints are being misused and robbed of their own purpose on God.

 It is too easy to dismiss those who are frustrated as rebellious and stubborn. If the truth be told, it is often the pastor who is more concerned with holding onto those who should be ‘graduating’ and God is sending away that causes much of the problem. 

  How absurd would it be for the principal of a university to refuse diplomas to those who had completed the course? How long would he have his job? How many new people would come to a university that never graduated its students? The church Jesus is building is a way-station, a school, where God sends His people to be prepared to go change the world. But we have made it into a Black Hole, where no one gets out, except in pieces. But that is another blog.

  The pastor needs to decide whether or not he is really a pastor. Of course, a local congregation is good financial security for the pastor who really has another burden, another vision, another calling. It is easier to exact a salary and travel expenses for a local church than to do it the old fashioned way---earn it. 

  The pastor needs to do what is on his heart to do. Is he a pastor? Then his time, energy and anointing need to be centered upon the people he is called to prepare. Maybe the pastor’s calling is to win the world for the Lord, maybe it to minister to unwed mothers, Christian education or political activities. Maybe he is a prophet or a church planter. Any of these callings and passions are awesome indeed, but when they are confused with the real mission of the New Testament pastor, the people are the ones abused and sidetracked from their basic need: to be equipped into their calling and launched into their ministry.

  The vision of the New Testament pastor should be to build the people to do the work of the ministry God has called them to do. Where there are true pastors, there is a flow of people through the church, coming in to be prepared and going out to change the world.

Posted via email from donnorisr's posterous

The church Jesus is building builds the people, who are the church. Her pastors are the tools to bring this about.

This most sacred institution of the church is about to change. Not by man, for he will resist every notion and attempt to alter the role of the local pastor. Nonetheless, the Holy Spirit, whose role is to magnify and unveil Jesus in the hearts of God’s people, is at work to release both pastor and people into the glorious role God intended for them from the beginning.

I know, everything inside of you is probably so tired of the continuous drone concerning the following few verses. I personally do not need one more Bible study on the five-fold ministry. I would much rather see a demonstration of genuine love, mercy and compassion toward God’s people, without hidden agendas, which would, by the way, be much more convincing than all the studies (and books) that exist to this point.

But give me chance. I just might have some words that can truly set you free from so many false expectations and wrong assumptions of the role of the pastor.

(Eph 4:11 to 13) “And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.”

 It is amazing to me that the role of the pastor has so much diversity from denomination to denomination. However, a few things are predictably the same: Win the neighborhood, the city and world for Christ; keep the people coming; keep them working; keep them giving. This ultimately insures the continuation of the local congregation as well as the national bureaucratic behemoth that grows up to “take care” of the local churches. The primary goal is the continuation of the denomination into the next generation. Thus, the methods employed are intended to provide the smooth transition as the leadership baton is passed on.

 The value of the people, in this denominational/personal agenda model is determined by their contribution to the over all vision and desires of the pastor and/or larger organization.

I wonder if we are willing to look carefully at what the vision of the local pastor should really be.

Other than these responsibilities, the pastor has the freedom, in most arenas, to build his own dream with the people coming along to finance and work out the details of what God has shown the pastor to do.

But this is not New Testament pattern.

The pastor’s role was to equip the saints, not use the saints. The New Testament pastor is to encourage and empower the saints, not drain them of their resources and sap them of the anointing God gave them, using them for his personal plans and dreams.

I know that the local congregation can provide a good base of operations. It has incredible potential to finance whatever personal ministry the pastor seems to have beyond the local work.

But the New Testament pattern is much different. This pattern has the focus on the preparation and release of the people. It focuses on discovering the dream and the anointing God has for His people and preparing them to respond to Him in that dream’s fulfillment.

Please stay with me for a minute. The pastor is much like the principal of a school. The principal understands that the students come to go. They come to be educated and equipped and then sent to the four winds to do what burns on their heart to do. The real fulfillment of the principal is the release of those who come to be prepared to go. The highlight of the principal is releasing those whom he has touched, counseled, strengthened and encouraged to go after their dream.

The principal lives to see the students released to change the world. His reputation as a principal, indeed, the reputation of the school depends on the successful release of the students into their dreams.

The true work of the school can only be fulfilled when the principal’s undivided attention is given to those in his or her care. If the principal has any other ambition than the preparation and release of the students, he is really not a principal at all. The students, the school and the world all suffer. The lack of premium education that can only be accomplished by the leaders’ undivided attention becomes an extreme point of frustration to the students.

The church Jesus is building is no different. But in the man-centered church system, success is measured, not by those who graduate and move on, but by the size of the church and the pastor’s ability to fulfill his own destiny.

( be continued)

Posted via email from donnorisr's posterous

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The River Has a Mind of its Own

Isn't it amazing? For years we have believed that God is waiting for us to move or pray or do something to get Him

to move and to do what He is supposed to do. It is though God knows what to do, but He won’t do it unless we ask Him to. This is good Holy Place prayer. But we have not considered a very different notion about prayer within the veil of the Most Holy Place. 

 That notion is that God has a mind of His own. He has a plan of His own. He has detailed His own purpose without getting our advice or approval. He really does know what He is doing. We think we have to do something to get God to do something. It is the same arrogance that led humanity to believe that we were the center of the universe. We think God is up there just waiting for us to get it right so He can do something for us. But this couldn't be further from the truth. In His mercy and love for us, He lets us in on what He has planned. It is not us who releases God to do His will, we merely agree with Him that His way is better than ours. It is God who moves and gives us the opportunity to be in the center of His activity.

 In the Holy Place, man fills the candlesticks with oil. Man bakes the bread and puts it on the table. Man makes the incense and lights it. In the Second Day, man moves about at his own will and pleasure. Here man moves and God responds. Man initiates, man builds, man leads. The worship in the Holy Place is born of man's spirit and begins and ends at his wish. The gifts flow at the will of mere mortal flesh as the collective power of the whole body waits for a union of believers that will storm the gates of the enemy and bring victory to the planet.

In the Holy Place, God breaks Himself down into components that man can understand. In the Most Holy Place, man is broken down into components that God can use. There man is separated from his pride, his arrogance and his self will. He is broken down into one through whom God can move freely.

In the Holy Place, activity is man activated. God responds to man as man uses the gifts, worships God and fellowships with the Lord. In the Holy Place, if man does not move, God does not move. If man does not extend his hands to the sick, the sick are not healed. If man does not open his mouth, there is no prophecy, no exhortation and no interpretation of tongues. If man does not open himself to the Spirit of the Lord, there is no discernment, no witness of the Spirit and no comfort of love.

 In the Most Holy Place, where man is broken before God, activity is God-activated. Man responds to the voice of the Lord in utter obedience to Him, without analyzing the results of obedience. In the Most Holy Place, man does not move until God tells him what to do. Here, in the Most Holy Place, there is a confident waiting upon Him. Man is not agitated by silence. He is not fidgety when the heavens are silent. In the Most Holy Place, there is never a pressing need to do something, but there is a rest in the Presence of God as our security is not in our activity but in the witness of His Presence. Here, man is secure in Him alone. Activity is never a validation of worth, it is only the result of the leading of the Holy Spirit.

In the Holy Place, man can be intimidated by the expectations of others. Within the veil, politics and the carnal demands of fleshy people are swallowed up in the essence of the assurance of His love. Jesus only did what He saw His Father doing. He did nothing else.

Most Holy Place believers respond to the Father strictly on the basis of building His Kingdom, not their own. They understand that only what He builds stands the test of fire and only what He builds will pass from generation to generation.

As my daughter-in-law JB said to me yesterday, “We should be Burger King Christians and say to the Lord, ‘Have it your way!’”

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